"In our newest DLC offering, Ezio’s most trusted ally and confidant Leonardo has gone missing! You must search all new locations and consult with and/or brutalize both new and returning characters in order to solve the mystery and save Leo in this brand new single-player adventure! In addition, The Da Vinci Disappearance comes with tons of multiplayer content in the form of Animus Project Update 3.0, which includes 4 new multiplayer personas, 2 new game modes and a new map! This DLC will also include some content that was previously only available in Collector’s Editions and through pre-order: The Harlequin and Officer multiplayer personas, Ezio’s Helmschmied Drachen armor and two additional single-player maps: Aqueduct and Trajan Market."
Новость с официального сайта игры. Обратите внимание на последний абзац, в котором указано, что скины Арлекина, Офицера, а так же две бонусные миссии (Акведук и Рынок Тра
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